Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Daddy is awesome!!!

Just saying....  I love my daddy!

and to show you his awsomeness! some pics!! :)

How he loves his work, the cane fields!

With his coworkers, they love the fields too.

and well, his hobby... he would take sooo many pictures.. and never show them to the world... but when it comes to the cane fields, he do show them... 

Aerial application, Photo by Daddy
Photo by Daddy
Well, he is awesome! just saying!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Internet Issues

I have been having som internet issues at home, ill just do a quick post...

The babyshower went suuper cute, it was a safari theme and everybody had a great time.. (minus a problem i had with a bee, i got stung!)

Beautiful arrangements!!
it was hot that day, the tempeture was up and the sun was burning, but had fun in the wild HAHA.
Me, i love that shirt!
i wore my favorite faith 21 shirt and jeggings,  loved it!

Isnt cute!!!
Doing some games, everyone was so into it!
You can almost see the decorations.. i didnt take  good pictures after mi bee sting. it got swollen. ouch!
we had a great time, fun games, fun activities.
Group photo, wild animals!
Loved the masks!  i wasnt sure everyone would wear them, but hey everyone did!
Hope to post soon, hope mi internet gets better next time!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 2


Mas adelante hare que ciertos dias sean especiales, pero por mientras me acomodo sera asi..

This weekend is going to be full of activities. I dont know how i am going to do. I have a lunch with friends on saturday.. and my only problem is that something is wrong with my car, an (ABS) sign appeared and i really dont know what that is. So, ill have to talk to my dad and see if it needs to go to the mechanic and if that happens i really dont think ill have lunch with my friends... :(
If its ok and only needs some fluid, ill be happy, because that lunch is really important, is for a friend thats returning to Argentina and continuing her  studies on jewlery design (how cool is that!!!) 
And for the afternoon i have to step it up with the preparations of the baby shower for a coworker that will be hosted at my house!! it is going to be super fun! has a safari theme and a friend and i worked on the center pieces, and i think we did a great job! (Ill post photos on sunday or monday).

Well i dont want you guys (whomever is reading) to get bored, also on sunday ill do a post on my clothes! im soo excited! i got some things from Faith 21 that i really love!!! have to pick it up tomorrow.. if i ever got the chance!! Wish me luck!! God bless!!! :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My very First Time.....



My first post.....

Estuve pensando mucho tiempo que queria tener un blog. Pero siempre me detenia, ya que no tengo buena ortografia, tiendo a escribir en ingles y español juntos (Espanglish). Pero bueno vamos a ver como funciona esto.

Esta pagina sera sobre mi vida, incluyendo familia, novio, amigos y todo lo que me rodea. Tratare de compartir las cosas que son importantes para mi vida, las cosas que me gustan, lo que me enoja y todo sentimiento que pueda surgir!

hmmm... que serio se escucha todo esto... pero les prometo que no siempre soy asi... :P

Ahi esta, no siempre ser seriedad!! hay momentos locos.... El es Jona, lo van a ver mucho por aki.. :) just because I love him sooo much!

Estas son 2 de las fotos que mas me gustan de nosotros....Ok, ya es muy de noche y tengo sueño.. deje esperando a jona. Good Night!!! God bless!!! Los Amo!!!!