Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chilean Miracle and my bday!

I know i just posted, but this is a very special night, if you have been watching the news in this very momento you know what is happening in Chile. On Agust 5, 33 miners got trapped some hundred meter below ground without an emergency exit. So today is the big day, the day they all get rescued! And while im watching, i decided to post about my bday last week! Thanks to our Lord almighty!

I turned 24!!! thank you Lord! I know in a few years i will not be as happy! :) so ill post some photos. I had a really good time! Thank you everyone that came, and everyone that had me in their prayers!!

Mafer and me!

Gordo and Reichel



My perfect pedicure!


Cesar, Ale, Ima and Rodin



Happy Bdaaay!

Blowing the candel!
And that was my bday! i had a great time! and i am so grateful with my family and close friends.

Thank you Lord for blessing me with one more year of life!!

September Update

I feel soo bad, i know i dont have a lot of time blogging but i didnt want to skip a whole month, but things have been to hectic.

Im going to take you to a bit on what went on.  I was planning on another babyshower, had a crash, had the babyshower, prepared for a tropical depression and planned my babi's bday.

Woow.. lots of stuffed went down... when i was planning for my coworkers babyshower, i had to make some reservations, so thats where my First, big a little incident.. yup a motocycle hit me. No one got hurt, but the motocycle was a little messed up. It consume most of my time, not because it was really bad, but because it was my firt crash... and i was a little shaken. I couldnt sleep and couldnt help feeling bad all the time. I didnt know how i ended paying for both his and my repair. My dad was a little mad at first and then he took over the whole problem and i was a little relieved. Thanks to my dad!!

Moving on to the babyshower, everything went not as i planned, some people are really sad. They dont keep on to their word. But God makes things perfect and we had a relaxed timed

Overall the babayshower was a success.

We had a scared with a tropical depression Matthew, we almost flooded, my dad had everthing stored in high places. So for now i am sleeping on a air mattress and in my parents room because my room is full of boxes.

And the most important date was my babi's bday!!!! it was a small family gathering.

My family wishing my babi happy bday!!

us!! :)
well, that is my september update, my bday was on oct. 8 ill try to post some photos!!
God bless!! :)